Settings for {{ current.code }}

Edit dest code


Do not delete the code entirely. Also, edit code can cause bugs with alternating matrix.

{{ progressAltIndex }} / {{ alternatesDests.length }}
You can edit differents parts of the matrix by clicking on it.

Alternating matrix

loop over all frames with 2 seconds of delay

Scrolling optionsremove
Front text optionsadd scrollremove scroll

Skip a line to write on 2 levels, you can edit the fonts for each level individually.


The current matrix is scrolling. Consider writing a classic version for non-compatible buses.

view compatibility rendering
front text
front text color
Line options

Select line font. Fonts have differents size. Note that you can't edit size of a font.

Line number (you can use letters and the text can be different of the hof code).


The current matrix is scrolling. Consider writing a classic version for non-compatible buses.

view compatibility rendering
front line number

line color
line outline
line background

Side text options

Skip a line to write on 2 levels, you can edit the fonts for each level individually.


The current matrix is scrolling. Consider writing a classic version for non-compatible buses.

view compatibility rendering
front text
side text color
Icon options
Front icon color
Side icon color

Front left
Side left
Front right
Side right

Add customs icons.

Must be black and white .png with 32px height and 29px width.
Front left iconFront right iconSide left iconSide right icon